A New Look - Bolton Skyline

Newsletter May 2024

There’s a lot of action over the next two weeks so we thought a newsletter might put it all into perspective. New website In anticipation of the demise of our old web site we’ve launched a new one which you can visit here.This includes news, forthcoming events and links to our archived items. It will

Side Door 6th May 2024

What else is there to do on a rainy Bank Holiday!! but listen to a NEW Episode of SIDE DOOR Live from Worktown’s radio programme, which will be live on Bolton FM at NOON ON MONDAY https://www.boltonfm.com/player/ Presenter Dave Morgan is interviewed by Peter Firth about his new book, and Dave visits Bolton charity Headspace

Modern-day Bolton creatives

Mass Observation Diary Day

12th May Diary Day in Worktown Join us . . . In 1937 Mass Observation called for people from all parts of the UK to record everything they did from when they woke up in the morning to when they went to sleep at night on 12th May. The project was revived again in 2010