Diary Submissions

Anyone can take part and send us their diary. They can be as detailed as you like, and can include poetry and verse, voice messages, drawings, photos, videos or other creative work. We’d love to receive creative responses!
The only things we ask you to include are:

A brief self portrait: your age, gender, location, your relationship status, your present job or occupation if you are working and any other information that you think is important to record.

A copyright statement. This means that we can add your diary to the archive and make it publicly accessible. If you don’t attach this statement, we won’t be able to keep your diary or make it part of the Archive. We ask that you include the following statement, which you can copy and paste from here:

“I donate my 12th May diary to the Mass Observation Archive. I consent to it being made publicly available as part of the Archive and assign my copyright in the diary to the Mass Observation Archive Trustees so that it can be reproduced in full or in part on websites, in publications and in broadcasts as approved by the Mass Observation Trustees. I agree to the Mass Observation Archive assuming the role of Data Controller and the Archive will be responsible for the collection and processing of personal data and ensuring that such data complies with the DPA.”

Note: The diaries that are kept in the archive are anonymous, so please do not add your name or identify others in your submission.

To download a template, please click on the button below:

Please submit your diary to us by Monday 20th May.

Digital diaries can be submitted via email to: massobs@livefromworktown.org.uk

Or, hand your diary in to the History Centre at Bolton Library, Le Mans Crescent, BL1 1SE.

Consultation Questions

Bolton has recently been named as the Greater Manchester Town of Culture.
We’d like to use this opportunity to find out more about your perceptions of Bolton as a place of culture.

We have three straightforward questions that we’d like you to answer, which can be completed online or by filling out a form.

To complete the consultation questions online, please click on the link to go to the questionnaire.

Or, to download a digital form, please click on the button below to download:

To fill out a paper questionnaire, please ask for a form at the History Centre at Bolton Library, Le Mans Crescent, BL1 1SE.

Once completed, you can email the form back to massobs@livefromworktown.org.uk or return paper copies to the History Centre at Bolton Library.

Please submit your questionaire to us by Monday 20th May.