We are happy to share the publication of the new issue of Worktown Words. This issue was curated by Romina Ramos and edited by Lisa O’Hare on the theme of Patterns.  

You can access the anthology here. And if you’ve missed any of the previous issues, you can find our catalogue here.

We will be taking a Christmas break next month, but submissions will open again in early January, with a new guest editor and theme to be announced after the new year.

Comments (2)

  1. Daphne Wilson


    Can I ask if you can purchase a printed version of ‘Patterns’. I have a poem in it and would like a tangible memento … though of course I can simply print one at home.
    Daphne Wilson

    • Reply

      Hi Daphne,
      Thank you for getting in touch, Unfortunately, we only publish Worktown Words as an on-line book at the moment. We do run other contributed anthology projects that result in a printed book, so please keep a look out for these.
      Than you for submitting your poem to Patterns!

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